
vinyl mockup back 2
vinyl mockup
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vinyl label A
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cover wrapped in plastic 1
cover wrapped in plastic 2
record sleeve for the los angeles-based band, big black delta.
in february of 2022 jonathan bates sent caspar a 1921 painting by wassiliy kandinsky called blue segment. jon asked that he use colours similar to those found in this painting for the new big black delta LP artwork. jon's synesthesia has often played a key part in the band's aesthetic, and when listening to his new record, adonai, he saw colours similar to these.

in february of 2025 the album came out. the artwork is caspar's attempt to talk visually about what the record is like to listen to, both musically and lyrically. the cover image is a science-fiction-tinged salvador dali, takashi murakami, wassily kandinsky and max ernst-esque digital painting, and was made with particular reference to the songs you are not alone and say hi to venus. the genesis of the artwork came from trying to break adobe illustrator's "revolve" tool. after that came a bunch of drawing, painting, printing and scanning and so forth.
front cover
back cover
front cover vinyl mockup
back cover vinyl mockup
record sleeve for the los angeles-based band, big black delta.
it's been over a decade now since jonathan bates called us and asked caspar to do all the artwork for a new band he was starting called big black delta. working with jon has been one of the things that has kept caspar sane over the years. when jon sends us new music it's time to put the pencils down, get up from our chairs and dance. these acoustic versions of some of the best big black delta songs were no less effective. the opening lyrics of the new version of "betamax" coming as they are from an older, wiser and more weathered mr. bates, somehow carry more weight than ever before.

the artwork came easy. jon and his team approved the very first draft caspar put together. the idea was to reduce the big black delta imagery to the simplest forms, and let those forms succumb to gravity's pull; as we all do in the end. in this way we hoped the artwork would appear to be as reflective on the past, aging and the nature of all things, as these new songs are.

you can listen to the record's first single here, and you can preorder the vinyl edition here.
landscape cover
portrait cover
landscape / portrait
record sleeves for the new york-based band, matte black.
old friends matte black have a new record coming out. in fact they have a double-album and its called, landscape / portrait. the first part, landscape, herald's a brand new sound for the band. the second part, portrait, weaves that new sound back into their original style of songwriting. 

we won't get into the details about the artwork just yet as the records are not out, but you can listen to two songs from them here and preorder digital copies of them here:

back cover
vinyl mockup front
vinyl mockup back
record sleeve for the berlin-based band, polinski.
here's the album cover for the aforementioned new polinski LP, telex from MIDI city. paul wolinski, sole member of the band, asked that we might make the vinyl artwork for the record. 

a telex is a now antique device for sending text messages over phone networks. it was invented in germany in the 1920s and finally gave way to the fax machine in the 1980s. given the science-fiction nature of the album's title, paul and caspar agreed that the invention of a new alphabet would be the first place to start when making the record's artwork. paul's love of emojis and caspar's complete distaste for them seemed like an amusing place for this alphabet's generation to begin.

caspar asked paul to reimagine and transcribe every single word on the album's cover and liner notes into apple color emoji format. caspar then took these emoji-based phrases and reimagined them into a visual style he felt more aesthetically comfortable with. he went through several stages of redrawing and simplifying them on paper with a pencil until they felt like a workable pictographic alphabet. he then imported them into a computer and proceeded to vectorize the different characters so that they could function at any size and in any context, be that in sentences or as single characters.

paul then generated a working typeface / font file from caspar's vectorized glyphs and used this for the various online and music video outputs he was preparing to promote the record. in the meantime caspar used the alphabet to prepare the final record cover artwork you see here.

the front cover uses a photograph caspar took from an apartment balcony during the pandemic lockdown in berlin. the back cover is a telex message paul wrote detailing the album's tracklist and liner notes—using the new alphabet—from himself (in his MIDI city) to his record label, data airlines.

the record was released on february 24th, 2023 by data airlines. you can see paul's usage of the MIDI city alphabet in the video for the album's first single, distant friend, i love you!
vinyl cover
front cover and record
front cover
back cover
digital cover
record sleeve for the portugal-based musician, alessandro cortini.
scuro chiaro is the 2nd album by alessandro cortini to be released on mute records. just as with his previous record, volume massimo, the photography you see here is by emilie elizabeth.

it was up to us to find a way to talk about the concept of "chiaro scuro" with emilie's photos and any other elements we saw fit. the result is a piece that talks not just about light and shadow, but also the nature, shape and form of sound. 
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inside open
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record sleeve for the nashville-based band, makeup and vanity set.
matthew pusti of makeup and vanity set is scoring more and more films these days. this time around he was asked to score a documentary made about the making of the original batman: the animated series. to celebrate the release of the soundtrack on record store day, we teamed up once again with sound machine records to create something pretty special. the result is a visual expression of the aim of the documentary and a fresher take on the typical batman symbolism.
runner-up in the best record store day vinyl category for the making vinyl packaging awards.
utopian frequencies
record sleeves for the sheffield-based band, 65daysofstatic.
through 2020, the first year of the global pandemic, 65daysofstatic began work on an ongoing subscription project. fans made regular payments in order to receive a constant supply of music and other material throughout the year, published the moment it was produced. by the end of the year the band realized that in amongst the bits and pieces they'd worked on there were two records worth of material that were worth casting in stone. thus we began work on the two vinyl releases you see here.

the packaging is an attempt to turn the digital graphics 65 created on their computer screens during the year into an original lasting physical experience one could see and touch. in and of itself a reminder perhaps of one of the strangest years of our shared lives thus far.
back cover
vinyl mockup
record sleeve for the los angeles-based band, big black delta.
the record cover for big black delta's fourth LP was made in collaboration with the photographer and filmmaker matt sundin.

in the fall of 2019 matt, jonathan bates (singer and songwriter of big black delta) and caspar went to death valley together to take some time off. later when jon had finished his latest album he expressed an interest in using the images from that trip for the album's accompanying artwork. thus every image you see through the album's packaging and the digital singles that went with it, were images taken from this trip. in particular the cover image was taken by caspar, whilst every other image was taken by matt.
cover vinyl mockup
record sleeve for the nashville-based band, makeup and vanity set.
'breaking news' is the 4th record in a series of imaginary soundtrack albums by matthew pusti, AKA makeup and vanity set. it is the first record in a start of a new trilogy, but a part of a larger series under the name 'charles park'. the narrative of this record is based more around a criticism of the american news media. based on a short plot synopsis from matt, long-standing collaborator john delucca and i set to work on creating a cover that we felt set the tone of the movie inside matt's head. the result of that work you can see here.
LP cover
CD cover
digital cover
record sleeve for the berlin-based musician, alessandro cortini.
old friend and long-standing collaborator, alessandro cortini, asked us to take care of the logo and design the layouts for his new album, volume massimo. photographer emilie elizabeth had already shot the beautiful cover photographs you see here when we joined the project. it was then our task to frame these images with a rich yet minimal design aesthetic that further harmonized with the album's overall tone. in the end we went with three different covers for the album - one for the vinyl, one for the CD and one for the digital / streaming edition.
vinyl cover
back cover
booklet inside back
five waves
popular beats
vinyl label A
vinyl label B
vinyl cover and record
cd cover
digital cover
record sleeve for the sheffield-based band, 65daysofstatic.
replicr, 2019 is the sixth studio album by 65daysofstatic. it marks a rather radical shift in approach for the band as—fresh off of making the algorithmically arranged no man's sky soundtrack—they had started to question the way they made and performed music. recognizing the post-mark-fisher-capitalist-realist-pop-cultural-fugue-state the world of music seemed to be in, the band wanted to somehow make a record that articulated the seeming futility of trying to make anything that was in any way new.

as drummer rob jones put it in an interview: "this was supposed to be the future, but that future got cancelled. history is moving but it’s got nowhere to go. it’s piling up all around us. that’s what this record is about; this atemporality is an illusion, it’s the cultural logic of late capitalism, consuming everything faster and faster, each artefact a more diluted replica of the last. even the idea that ‘pop will eat itself’ is eating itself."

replicr, 2019 is an album made using customized algorithmic software and live coding techniques, and in almost every way marked a departure for the band not just in terms of how they made music, but also how they would perform it on on stage. it's a dark, unsettling and challenging record. it certainly has a soul, but it would be hard to say it was an optimistic one.

conversations about the artwork were long and hard and hit many dead ends. caspar would meet paul in berlin and they'd talk in circles—not without being aware of the innate irony of that—as they waited for an idea to fall into their laps. afterall, how do you make a record cover that says "everything is a copy of a copy of a copy, and that in some sense our best way out of this is to surrender to it", whilst also making a record cover that does in fact not look like anything else?

in the end the idea did just fall into our laps. back in new york and quite out of the blue caspar's studio mate showed him a copy of a relatively unknown, experimental, american, arthouse film. made in 1968 the film had won an award in the same student film festival as george lucas’s THX 1138. this meant george lucas would have seen this film before making american graffiti or star wars. before even watching the film it had dawned on caspar that it might shed light on a solution to the replicr, 2019 artwork that he was still struggling with. 

after watching the film caspar pulled a series of stills from it. each still was chosen for its abstract beauty, it's inherent movement and its oblique narrative implications. he then packaged this selection of stills with two reference images that suggested how these static film captures could be used to make a viable and interesting record cover. the first reference image was a 1967 sol lewitt piece called eakins stamps, and the second was a 1963 czech poster for michelangelo antonioni's blow-up by milan grygar.

the band responded well to the package. there was finally a light at the end of the tunnel, and thus began the process of making the vinyl, cd and digital artwork. rather like autechre's oversteps record, we all agreed that each of replicr, 2019's different musical formats should have different artwork. this of course echoed rob's point that everything we were making was a diluted copy of the previous thing; our pop that ate itself had to regurgitate itself to satisfy the format wars.

caspar then made a large series of hand-made collages using the 1968 film's stills. the idea was that each collage would be made on a fixed, pencil drawn grid, using the same limited selection of stills each time. in the process caspar tinted half of everything he was producing with an unusual red colour. it was a colour that he and the band agreed carried an ineffable, ominous quality that echoed a similar quality found in the music.

then came the typography for the album name, tracklist and liner notes. caspar printed all the relevant text out onto paper and then layered several pieces of sellotape over some of the words, sentences or paragraphs. some of the tape he ripped off—thus removing pieces of the words—and the rest he left as is. scanning the results of these experiments back into the computer produced the typographic effect you see here in the artwork.

last of all came the question of whether to put a picture of the band into the album artwork. they'd never done this before so it was an interesting proposition. the band weren't all living in the same country at this point and so they'd already come up with the idea of doing a band photoshoot using passport photo machines in different countries. it was itself a great idea for a band photoshoot, but it also served the replicr, 2019 project's ethos admirably well. caspar therefore took these photobooth images and folded them into the collages he was making. remarkably, the band didn't hate the results.
record sleeve for the cambridge-based musician, jasper byrne.
jasper byrne and caspar go way back. they used to make computer games together as teenagers. night is jasper's latest record and is a beautiful, atmospheric and cinematic collection of synth-based songs. the album cover you see here makes prominant use of a photograph by the brilliant liam wong. as ever we hope the work gives you an idea of the music you're about to hear.
back cover
package mockup
record sleeve for the nashville-based band, makeup and vanity set.
"the future past. lights on a horizon. blood in your veins. old visions. low frequencies fading across night. the roar of the masses. the reflection of bulbs overhead, on printed plastic and steel. a fight to survive, all or nothing. shadow circuit."

this was the story matt pusti (AKA makeup and vanity set) had written and was thus scoring the soundtrack for when he created this album. what you see here is the logo design and record sleeve artwork we created to reflect this narrative.
record sleeve for the berlin-based band, sonoio.
for this the third and final sonoio release, alessandro cortini asked us to produce artwork that offered a more cinematic visual than last time. after much discussion we landed on the idea of building a film set, lighting it and photographing it. we then reached out to long-time collaborator, the photographer matt sundin, and got to work sourcing all the necessary materials. the final cover offers both a commentary on the dual translations (italian and english) of the album's title, 'fine,' and a visual suggestion of the sonic and lyrical nature of the music. 

the record is available through dais records on vinyl, cd and all streaming services. if you have the means, we cannot recommend a physical copy of the record enough. it offers a rich accompaniment to what is already a really beautiful listening experience.
back cover
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vinyl cover
vinyl back cover
vinyl label
record sleeve for the nashville-based band, you drive.
you drive is a new band formed by long-term collaborators of ours, makeup and vanity set, and the singer / song-writer jasmin kaset. a few months ago they approached us to create their debut album artwork. the plan for the record was to release it on vinyl. after listening to the record for some time we focussed on some lyrical fragments from the songs, and decided to make a series of still life photographs that we'd then insert into the jacket design in one form or another.

working in collaboration with the photographer, jeff brown, we sourced various objects, built a series of sets in our studio and got to work arranging and lighting things. caspar then created abstract interpretations of the same photographs and used those as counterpoint pieces throughout the layouts. the resulting package we feel speaks to the music in both direct and indirect ways.
record sleeve for the nashville-based band, the alphabet zero.
andy walker found our work through his affiliations with makeup and vanity set. working in a similar sonic realm he was keen to create a heavily narrative driven image to accompany his new record. to this end he described to us a very particular set of moments he'd envisioned whilst composing the tracks, and we set about creating a single image that we felt best captured that.
record sleeve for the sheffield-based band, 65daysofstatic.
our friends and long-standing collaborators 65daysofstatic were hired to write the score to the forthcoming game, no man's sky. 65 in turn asked us to put together the artwork for the soundtrack itself. after listening to the music for months we had a long chat with the band and came up with a loose aesthetic trajectory. two or three different approaches were fully explored before we settled upon what you see here.

the landscape paintings you see embedded into the various covers are by another of our long-term collaborators, john delucca.

the record is available here in various physical and digital formats.
record sleeve for the nashville-based band, makeup and vanity set.
makeup and vanity set was asked to score the forthcoming video game brigador. the game developers, telefuture and yk records to release two volumes of the soundtrack on vinyl and other formats. what you see here is the sleeve artwork we made in collaboration with jack monahan, the game's own 3D graphics artist.
record sleeve for the los angeles-based band, big black delta.
the cover for big black delta's 2nd LP, tragame tierra, was the 'last man standing' after trying a series of ideas that attempted to capture the subtler qualities of the new tracks. in the end we settled on a minimal aesthetic, colours that jon felt were closer to his sensibilities these days and a photograph jon liked of himself taken by jeff brown, and we developed things from there.
cover + vinyl
artwork for matte black's second album, dust of this planet.
matte black are old friends and with the release of their sophomore LP they asked that we handle artwork duties. the record's closing track 'time's arrow' immediately conjured an image in our heads of a mass of people running from something toward a great darkness. caspar asked his father, thomas newbolt, to draw such an image in pencil and watercolour. caspar then worked on it digitally until it reached the form it is in now.
cover + records
back cover
inside spread
record sleeve for the nashville-based band, makeup and vanity set.
2 years in the making, wilderness is the new album from our good friends and longstanding collaborators, makeup and vanity set. the artwork stems from the narrative matthew pusti wrote for the record has he composed it. a combination of bespoke photography and extensive digital collage-work, it's perhaps our most involved record sleeve to date.

the record features the talents of many friends including big black delta, the protomen, witchoria and joey ciccoline. the short film accompanying the record's release and is featured in part in the album's video trailer above.
back cover
inside spread
record sleeve for the nashville-based band, the protomen.
the protomen, quite apart from their original music output, are a band that produces cover songs par excellence. this is not least because they choose songs that almost entirely echo the narrative they deliver in their ongoing series of rock operas.

the cover up is likely just the first in a series of exceptionally well recorded collections of cover songs from the band. needless to say it was our job to create artwork for the record that deliberately wove it into the protomen's overall narrative arc. this included nothing less than asking friends to voice characters in the various "movie scenes" dotted throughout the recording.

the idea here was to make a movie soundtrack to a film that was made and exists within the protomen's ongoing story. in doing so we asked john delucca that he might once again bless us with his exceptional drawning and painting talents. caspar and commander then sewed everything together to make a vinyl record release we're very proud of.

we hope you enjoy the work.
charles park trilogy album cover
charles park trilogy poster
record sleeve, poster + trailer for the nashville-based band, makeup and vanity set.
telefuture records approached makeup and vanity set with the idea of re-releasing their popular charles park records as a trilogy box set. the moment the project got a green light john delucca, joey ciccoline and ourselves were put to work in tying the overall package together visually.

john was sent a few paragraphs detailing the narrative behind each album. he then started to create a poster that we could divide into three halves, to represent the three parts of the story.

we were asked to create the logo, cover and overall packaging for the record. the logo we made is pretty self-explanatory, but the packaging was a subtler affair. utilizing the bokeh affect often seen in films when the camera is focussing on objects in the foreground, we realized we could represent each part of the trilogy with a different coloured circle. in this way the cover image could say a lot with very little, and each record within the packaging could be differentiated by its own red, blue or brown graphic.

joey was then sent the logo and proceeded to shoot the necessary footage to create the teaser trailer for the trilogy, this clip was the first promotional piece released to the general public. once released the limited edition box set sold out in 2 days, but you can still purchase the album digitally here.
record sleeve for the new york-based band, activator.
activator approached us to handle the sleeve artwork for their eponymous debut album. a dark, brutal, relationship-based thrash metal record, it played into our sensibilities nicely. sketching out basic layout on a scrap of paper, we photographed it and sent it to the incredible john delucca. 3 days later he sent back a final drawing and we began to colour it. the resulting image is a visual allegory commenting on whether it's really the relationship that's killing you, or whether it's actually something else.
wild light front cover
wild light back cover
record sleeve for the sheffield-based band, 65daysofstatic.
wild light is 65daysofstatic's fifth studio LP. the band presented caspar with manifestos, poems, drawings, prints and transcripts of studio discussions about the concept of 'wild light'. he then set about producing a series of images that incorporated these ideas, whilst expressing how it felt when he listened to the record.

the resulting imagery owes a lot to takashi murakami, wassily kandinsky, katsuhiro otomo's akira and cam kennedy's artwork for the star wars dark empire comics. the creatures and / or ships in the artwork were created by trying to break the "blend" function in adobe illustrator.
outside spread
inside spread
artwork for surachai's LP, embraced.
we were introduced to surachai by alessandro cortini of SONOIO. a fierce individual, surachai makes a form of black metal that he calls plagued metal. whatever you want to call it, his dark, aggressive and intricate songs take you to a very particular place.

for his latest LP he asked that we tackle the artwork. ordinarily, given the pre-established hallmarks of the black metal scene, this is something we might not have jumped at immediately. however given surachai's taste for esoteric artwork (formerly employing the likes of bridget driessen and sarah sitkin to handle the task), we knew he would be open to an entirely fresh interpretation of his music.

you can read more about the making of the artwork here.
tenacious d show poster
record sleeve for the nashville-based band, the protomen
here's another one of the many fruits of our on-going collaborations with the protomen. the band played a tribute night in nashville, TN, back in late 2010 and the recordings came out so well they decided to release it. performing as 'queen' for the night, we decided to recreate the iconic 'queen II' record cover in a studio in brooklyn. the photography is by long-time (v) collaborator matt sundin, and the logo work is by M L hope. we handled the art direction, post-production + layout duties. 
front and back cover
record sleeve for 65daysofstatic's film soundtrack, silent running.
in 2010 the glasgow film festival asked 65daysofstatic if they were interested in re-scoring a film of their choosing. the band, always interested in the idea of scoring films, accepted and chose the 1970s science fiction cult classic, silent running. the success of the score lead them to perform it live at various festivals throughout 2011 and finally record it in the studio for release. 

the band approached us in the summer, asking that we might put together a poster and a record cover of some description for the release. it was similarly an incredible opportunity that was by no means lost on us. the poster was in many ways a direct reference to the film, as discussed here. the final record sleeve you see to the left was something quite different, and you can read more about that here.
BBDLP1 cover
artwork for big black delta's debut LP, BBDLP1
continuing the very fluid back and forth between us and jonathan bates, this the cover for the forthcoming BBDLP1 is our attempt at capturing the immensity that is this new record. whether you are listening to the lush love song that is 'capsize' or the vastness, heaving space trip that is 'BBD3', we wanted the cover to echo both the inner workings of jon's mind as well as the beautiful, dark recesses of the universe. no longer the man with his head exploding on the cover of mellowdrone's 'angry bear', we now step deeper inside that thinking and in doing so reach much further out into space as we get involved with his obsession with UFO folk-lore and his desire to be taken away from his planet by whatever means possible.
a waltz of light
record sleeve for the berlin-based band, polinski.
paul wolinski is one quarter of the experimental musical machine that is 65daysofstatic. polinski is his more purely electronic side-project.  the discussions for how to handle the artwork for the album started years before the record was even a twinkle in his eye. we'd talked at length for years about films, musics, books, games and designs that appeal to us for whatever reason. whether it be the books of jeff noon or the cassette loading games of sinclair ZX spectrum, there was an innate understanding of what this solo project would demand in terms of artwork the moment the demos started to come together.

the final artwork started with us coming up with a story that would capture paul's feelings about various things and how he wanted to translated those into a science fiction tale of some kind. the next step was padding that story out with various touchstone visual elements and then translating those into a series of panels that we could use for the album and any singles. the first image we put together turned out to be the album cover as it is now, and this went onto influence paul's approach to making the music. he then sent us more demos that inspired the creation of more panels, and so the back and forth went until we had enough to illustrate the story / world we had created.
color in design 2012 award winner
front cover
back cover
LP artwork for the LA-based band, war widow
after accidentally hearing a clip from this band's new record, we sent some designs through that caused them to cancel the print job they already had running. sourcing photographers from as far as eastern europe, the resulting 12 inch vinyl artwork proved to be a very fast, very exciting collaboration between people in los angeles, new york and the ukraine. you can read more about the creation of the artwork here.

a huge thanks to photographers alex alekseenko and matt sundin, without whom this project would have never come about.
front cover
back cover
artwork for 65daysofstatic's fourth album, we were exploding anyway.
65dayofstatic's fourth LP is to date their most confident and evolved expression of how they feel about themselves as a band. they've often said they've struggled to capture their monumental live sound on the record, and we were exploding anyway is a step closer to that.

the record sleeve we made for the album—with the help of matt sundin—is, as front-man joe shrewsbury put it, "a beautiful expressoin of human love." please read the full story on the making of the artwork here. all photography by matt sundin, except the heavy sky EP.
vinyl cover
vinyl back cover
vinyl record
vinyl pop-up
vinyl pop-up detail
artwork for the protomen's second album, act 2 - the father of death
everything about this record cover and poster had to be bigger and better. the moment we heard act II: the father of death we knew the protomen had taken giant leaps as a band. consequently we wanted to produce artwork that celebrated and supported this excellent new music through and through.

once again we asked john delucca to bring his magic to the project. first he painted the fantastic streets of fire inspired cover, and then went on to create various other pieces for the album's illustrated "libretto" booklet. caspar then wove everything together for the 2009 compact disc release of the album, and the promo "movie poster" that went with it.

in 2018 it was time to release a deluxe, vinyl version of the album. for this the band wanted to make a book with a pop-up diorama of john's "how the world fell under darkness" illustration as the centrepiece. this time around caspar eschewed the rest of the CD artwork and replaced it with stills from the recently shot and released light up the night music video.
making vinyl awards 2018 finalist in 4 categories
back cover
artwork for mellowdrone's second LP, angry bear
mellowdrone called us one evening in march wondering if we were at all interested in working with them on the artwork for the follow-up record to 'box', an album which we'd played into the ground obsessively for who knows how long. work began immediately with discussions about what the new record was saying and where the band were at now. turns out they were the same age as us and into all the same stuff (david lynch, fist of the north star etc.). we then toiled for a while on an idea and passed it over to them. it was the right direction. we then produced 2 more pieces in a similar vein that formed a narrative around the core concept and produced templates for both cd + vinyl. the vinyl doesn't contain the third and final panel of the artwork, but it does have a blue plastic disc and a nice design idea for navigating which side is which.