
vinyl mockup back 2
vinyl mockup
vinyl mockup back
vinyl label A
vinyl label B
cover wrapped in plastic 1
cover wrapped in plastic 2
record sleeve for the los angeles-based band, big black delta.
in february of 2022 jonathan bates sent caspar a 1921 painting by wassiliy kandinsky called blue segment. jon asked that he use colours similar to those found in this painting for the new big black delta LP artwork. jon's synesthesia has often played a key part in the band's aesthetic, and when listening to his new record, adonai, he saw colours similar to these.

in february of 2025 the album came out. the artwork is caspar's attempt to talk visually about what the record is like to listen to, both musically and lyrically. the cover image is a science-fiction-tinged salvador dali, takashi murakami, wassily kandinsky and max ernst-esque digital painting, and was made with particular reference to the songs you are not alone and say hi to venus. the genesis of the artwork came from trying to break adobe illustrator's "revolve" tool. after that came a bunch of drawing, painting, printing and scanning and so forth.
front cover
back cover
front cover vinyl mockup
back cover vinyl mockup
record sleeve for the los angeles-based band, big black delta.
it's been over a decade now since jonathan bates called us and asked caspar to do all the artwork for a new band he was starting called big black delta. working with jon has been one of the things that has kept caspar sane over the years. when jon sends us new music it's time to put the pencils down, get up from our chairs and dance. these acoustic versions of some of the best big black delta songs were no less effective. the opening lyrics of the new version of "betamax" coming as they are from an older, wiser and more weathered mr. bates, somehow carry more weight than ever before.

the artwork came easy. jon and his team approved the very first draft caspar put together. the idea was to reduce the big black delta imagery to the simplest forms, and let those forms succumb to gravity's pull; as we all do in the end. in this way we hoped the artwork would appear to be as reflective on the past, aging and the nature of all things, as these new songs are.

you can listen to the record's first single here, and you can preorder the vinyl edition here.
back cover
vinyl mockup
record sleeve for the los angeles-based band, big black delta.
the record cover for big black delta's fourth LP was made in collaboration with the photographer and filmmaker matt sundin.

in the fall of 2019 matt, jonathan bates (singer and songwriter of big black delta) and caspar went to death valley together to take some time off. later when jon had finished his latest album he expressed an interest in using the images from that trip for the album's accompanying artwork. thus every image you see through the album's packaging and the digital singles that went with it, were images taken from this trip. in particular the cover image was taken by caspar, whilst every other image was taken by matt.
record sleeve for the los angeles-based band, big black delta.
the cover for big black delta's 2nd LP, tragame tierra, was the 'last man standing' after trying a series of ideas that attempted to capture the subtler qualities of the new tracks. in the end we settled on a minimal aesthetic, colours that jon felt were closer to his sensibilities these days and a photograph jon liked of himself taken by jeff brown, and we developed things from there.
record sleeve for the los angeles-based band, big black delta.
RCVR is the second single from big back delta's sophomore LP, trĂ¡gama tierra. it features guest vocals from none other than debbie gibson. in our opinion it's one of jon's finest pieces of work, not least for it's wendy carlos-style rendition of a paganini violin solo.

the music and lyrics are what inspired the artwork you see here. 
side of the road
artwork for big black delta's single, side of the road.
inspired salvador dali's galatea of the spheres and discussions about how to evolve the big black delta aesthetic as we approach the foot of the mountain that will eventually be the second LP, this cover is in some ways perhaps the band's most figurative yet. the human eye instinctively sees faces in abstract patterns, and of course it's no incident that that is what you might see here. however what you take from it as you listen to the song is of course your decision. either way we hope you enjoy the experience.
artwork for the singles off of big black delta's debut LP, BBDLP1
after signing to nerve management, big black delta have been set to release a series of singles both on vinyl and digitally. challenged with a way of making these releases unusual in some way, given some of the songs have been out for a while, we suggested that perhaps each release's artwork tesselate with the next. this way all the singles can form a larger image once they've all been collected. at the time of writing two releases have been put out, IFUCKINGLOVEYOU and betamax, which you can see here.
BBDLP1 cover
artwork for big black delta's debut LP, BBDLP1
continuing the very fluid back and forth between us and jonathan bates, this the cover for the forthcoming BBDLP1 is our attempt at capturing the immensity that is this new record. whether you are listening to the lush love song that is 'capsize' or the vastness, heaving space trip that is 'BBD3', we wanted the cover to echo both the inner workings of jon's mind as well as the beautiful, dark recesses of the universe. no longer the man with his head exploding on the cover of mellowdrone's 'angry bear', we now step deeper inside that thinking and in doing so reach much further out into space as we get involved with his obsession with UFO folk-lore and his desire to be taken away from his planet by whatever means possible.
EP cover
EP artwork + music video for the LA-based band, big black delta
jonathan bates, better known for his part in the band mellowdrone, recently got back in touch with us regarding a "new thing" he was working on. he was calling the project big black delta and he asked that caspar might come on board as its art director.

soon caspar found himself watching the thundercats intro over and over and obsessing with jon over UFO footage. after this came a rapid exchange of music for artwork, much the way a choir does their psalms and responses. late one night caspar arrived at the EP cover you see here and sent it to jon. jon loved it and big black delta had finally been born.

caspar then shot and edited a short film to accompany the release of the song IFUCKINGLOVEYOU. it was filmed over a couple of days around independence day in los angeles. the timing seemed fitting UFO-wise, and the idea was simply to capture everything he and jon got up to in the short time they had together, be that searching the night sky for flashing lights, watching dan akroyd talking about UFOs on youtube or witnessing jon make strange noises on his studio floor.