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writing, directing, title design and poster design for the short film, light up the night.
executive producer john la valle approached us with idea of making a film of a section of the protomen's second record, act II: the father of death. the band chose light up the night as the song, and we approached collaborator matt sundin to co-direct the project with us.

development of the project took some years. the end result, shot in new york city and starring james ransone, you can see here. a testament to the band and everyone else involved, the film pays homage to many of the things that inspired us to do the work we do today.

we collaborated once again with john delucca on the film's title sequence and its poster design.
album cover
music video for the los angeles-based band, sonoio
sonoio is one of the many side projects of alessandro cortini. fine was the third and final album from this particular musical outfit, and thanks for calling was its first single. the moment alessandro sent us a demo of the track we set to work devising a music video treatment that we felt did the song justice, psychologically and tonally.

alessandro was keen not to be in the video this time, so matt sundin and caspar took the opportunity to devise a story that spoke to some of their own personal experiences. the result is a hitchcockian / felliniesque flight of fantasy.

the film stars daveigh chase and marshall allman, and was produced by katharine o'brien. you can read more about the making of it here.
charles park trilogy album cover
charles park trilogy poster
record sleeve, poster + trailer for the nashville-based band, makeup and vanity set.
telefuture records approached makeup and vanity set with the idea of re-releasing their popular charles park records as a trilogy box set. the moment the project got a green light john delucca, joey ciccoline and ourselves were put to work in tying the overall package together visually.

john was sent a few paragraphs detailing the narrative behind each album. he then started to create a poster that we could divide into three halves, to represent the three parts of the story.

we were asked to create the logo, cover and overall packaging for the record. the logo we made is pretty self-explanatory, but the packaging was a subtler affair. utilizing the bokeh affect often seen in films when the camera is focussing on objects in the foreground, we realized we could represent each part of the trilogy with a different coloured circle. in this way the cover image could say a lot with very little, and each record within the packaging could be differentiated by its own red, blue or brown graphic.

joey was then sent the logo and proceeded to shoot the necessary footage to create the teaser trailer for the trilogy, this clip was the first promotional piece released to the general public. once released the limited edition box set sold out in 2 days, but you can still purchase the album digitally here.
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music video for polinski's debut single, stitches.
paul wolinski is one quarter of the experimental musical machine that is 65daysofstatic. polinski is his more purely electronic side-project. labyrinths is is the debut album from polinski.

the music video for the album's first single, stitches, was an attempt to bring back the feeling of using the sinclair ZX spectrum computer, whilst detailing some of the album's narrative elements. paul and caspar wrote the video's story, which expanded upon the lyrics jonathan bates from big black delta was singing on the song. john delucca then beautifully redrew and further illustrated the graphics caspar had made for the vinyl record's packaging in pixel art format, and josiah newbolt then animated those graphics.
color in design 2012 award winner
EP cover
EP artwork + music video for the LA-based band, big black delta
jonathan bates, better known for his part in the band mellowdrone, recently got back in touch with us regarding a "new thing" he was working on. he was calling the project big black delta and he asked that caspar might come on board as its art director.

soon caspar found himself watching the thundercats intro over and over and obsessing with jon over UFO footage. after this came a rapid exchange of music for artwork, much the way a choir does their psalms and responses. late one night caspar arrived at the EP cover you see here and sent it to jon. jon loved it and big black delta had finally been born.

caspar then shot and edited a short film to accompany the release of the song IFUCKINGLOVEYOU. it was filmed over a couple of days around independence day in los angeles. the timing seemed fitting UFO-wise, and the idea was simply to capture everything he and jon got up to in the short time they had together, be that searching the night sky for flashing lights, watching dan akroyd talking about UFOs on youtube or witnessing jon make strange noises on his studio floor.