
poster for the nashville-based band, the protomen
it's 2024. the protomen first took to the stage 20 years ago. to mark the occasion they are playing a show with the same bands (almost) that played with them at that first show. they asked us to make a poster to promote the occasion.

caspar had long been bothered with how badly daft punk had executed the cover artwork for their final album, random access memories. despite having access to their own helmets to photograph, they made a poor computer rendering of them instead. now, since the protomen had often referred to themselves as "a southern, buck-toothed daft punk", it felt right to finally set the record straight. we shipped their smashed-up, 20 year old helmets to joey ciccoline and he set about photographing them in the appropriate manner.

if you have the means to make it to the show we do recommend it. the protomen are, despite the tongue-in-cheek daft punk reference here, one of the most unique and extraordinary live bands in existence today. 
poster for the sheffield-based band, 65daysofstatic
it's been 10 years since 65daysofstatic's remarkable LP wild light was released. to mark this anniversary the band have announced a 2023 tour dedicated to the record. in turn we were asked if we might make the poster. 

caspar made the wild light artwork digitally in 2012/13 using adobe's illustrator (shapes) and photoshop (textures and type). going back into the files and hauling something poster-worthy from the wreckage was rewarding. not least because there were some intricate pieces in there that were never used in the record's original packaging and promotional materials. the strange life-form you see here being one of them.
tour poster
tour poster for the nashville-based band, the protomen
the protomen recently headed out west to road test some new material from their forthcoming LP. after some discussion john delucca set to work drawing and painting the image you see here. the image speaks for itself of course and, as ever, hints at elements of the band's ongoing conceptual narrative and as much as their reality.
show poster 1
show poster 2
reunion show posters for the band, mellowdrone.
old friends and collaborators mellowdrone reunited this year for a couple of shows in los angeles. singer jonathan bates asked us to create a poster that talked about "growing up / becoming adult". the paintings we used as a basis for the posters are "don quixote", by honore daumier and "the triumph of surrealism" by max ernst.

the posters were made using a printer and a scanner. the manual elongation of the images, to us, spoke to the themes jon wanted us to explore.
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writing, directing, title design and poster design for the short film, light up the night.
executive producer john la valle approached us with idea of making a film of a section of the protomen's second record, act II: the father of death. the band chose light up the night as the song, and we approached collaborator matt sundin to co-direct the project with us.

development of the project took some years. the end result, shot in new york city and starring james ransone, you can see here. a testament to the band and everyone else involved, the film pays homage to many of the things that inspired us to do the work we do today.

we collaborated once again with john delucca on the film's title sequence and its poster design.
back cover
inside spread
record sleeve for the nashville-based band, the protomen.
the protomen, quite apart from their original music output, are a band that produces cover songs par excellence. this is not least because they choose songs that almost entirely echo the narrative they deliver in their ongoing series of rock operas.

the cover up is likely just the first in a series of exceptionally well recorded collections of cover songs from the band. needless to say it was our job to create artwork for the record that deliberately wove it into the protomen's overall narrative arc. this included nothing less than asking friends to voice characters in the various "movie scenes" dotted throughout the recording.

the idea here was to make a movie soundtrack to a film that was made and exists within the protomen's ongoing story. in doing so we asked john delucca that he might once again bless us with his exceptional drawning and painting talents. caspar and commander then sewed everything together to make a vinyl record release we're very proud of.

we hope you enjoy the work.
charles park trilogy album cover
charles park trilogy poster
record sleeve, poster + trailer for the nashville-based band, makeup and vanity set.
telefuture records approached makeup and vanity set with the idea of re-releasing their popular charles park records as a trilogy box set. the moment the project got a green light john delucca, joey ciccoline and ourselves were put to work in tying the overall package together visually.

john was sent a few paragraphs detailing the narrative behind each album. he then started to create a poster that we could divide into three halves, to represent the three parts of the story.

we were asked to create the logo, cover and overall packaging for the record. the logo we made is pretty self-explanatory, but the packaging was a subtler affair. utilizing the bokeh affect often seen in films when the camera is focussing on objects in the foreground, we realized we could represent each part of the trilogy with a different coloured circle. in this way the cover image could say a lot with very little, and each record within the packaging could be differentiated by its own red, blue or brown graphic.

joey was then sent the logo and proceeded to shoot the necessary footage to create the teaser trailer for the trilogy, this clip was the first promotional piece released to the general public. once released the limited edition box set sold out in 2 days, but you can still purchase the album digitally here.
VHS + poster
VHS tape and poster for makeup and vanity set's film soundtrack, 88:88.
this was a project that started out with MAVS sending us demos and whispering things about it possibly being a film soundtrack. we were then contacted by the film's director, joey ciccoline. joey showed us the film and sent some ideas he'd had for possible directions for the artwork. included in his package was a poster for the 1985 kid's science fiction film, the explorers. this poster single handedly informed the initial designs we created for the film soundtrack. these designs were then scrapped when joey then expressed interest more in a design that told you less about the narrative, and gave you simply a sense of mystery. 

fortunately MAVS then had the idea to do a parallel release in the form of a limited edition VHS cassette and poster. this would then come out later than the official film artwork, and give the original pieces we created a place to live. a tangent universe if you will.

you can see photos of the VHS tape here.
BBDLP1 cover
artwork for big black delta's debut LP, BBDLP1
continuing the very fluid back and forth between us and jonathan bates, this the cover for the forthcoming BBDLP1 is our attempt at capturing the immensity that is this new record. whether you are listening to the lush love song that is 'capsize' or the vastness, heaving space trip that is 'BBD3', we wanted the cover to echo both the inner workings of jon's mind as well as the beautiful, dark recesses of the universe. no longer the man with his head exploding on the cover of mellowdrone's 'angry bear', we now step deeper inside that thinking and in doing so reach much further out into space as we get involved with his obsession with UFO folk-lore and his desire to be taken away from his planet by whatever means possible.
a waltz of light
record sleeve for the berlin-based band, polinski.
paul wolinski is one quarter of the experimental musical machine that is 65daysofstatic. polinski is his more purely electronic side-project.  the discussions for how to handle the artwork for the album started years before the record was even a twinkle in his eye. we'd talked at length for years about films, musics, books, games and designs that appeal to us for whatever reason. whether it be the books of jeff noon or the cassette loading games of sinclair ZX spectrum, there was an innate understanding of what this solo project would demand in terms of artwork the moment the demos started to come together.

the final artwork started with us coming up with a story that would capture paul's feelings about various things and how he wanted to translated those into a science fiction tale of some kind. the next step was padding that story out with various touchstone visual elements and then translating those into a series of panels that we could use for the album and any singles. the first image we put together turned out to be the album cover as it is now, and this went onto influence paul's approach to making the music. he then sent us more demos that inspired the creation of more panels, and so the back and forth went until we had enough to illustrate the story / world we had created.
color in design 2012 award winner
album cover
music video + print design for LA-based band, sonoio
we'd been aware for a while that sonoio (alessandro cortini) intended to follow up his unique and well received experimental synth debut, with a 'sequel' record of some kind. furthermore alessandro was toying with the idea of a music video this time and asked that we might pitch a few ideas to him for a couple of different songs on the record. we came up with 3-4 ideas he chose the most 'live performance' based concept that we had and soon things were under way. the video was for the song enough, which to us was one of the songs that immediately jumped out on the record when hearing it for the first time. once more we recruited the talents of matt sundin (who helped us shoot the 65daysofstatic and war widow album covers) and soon after alessandro was flying to new york to shoot the video with us in brooklyn.

you can read more about making the artwork + video here.
EP cover
EP artwork + music video for the LA-based band, big black delta
jonathan bates, better known for his part in the band mellowdrone, recently got back in touch with us regarding a "new thing" he was working on. he was calling the project big black delta and he asked that caspar might come on board as its art director.

soon caspar found himself watching the thundercats intro over and over and obsessing with jon over UFO footage. after this came a rapid exchange of music for artwork, much the way a choir does their psalms and responses. late one night caspar arrived at the EP cover you see here and sent it to jon. jon loved it and big black delta had finally been born.

caspar then shot and edited a short film to accompany the release of the song IFUCKINGLOVEYOU. it was filmed over a couple of days around independence day in los angeles. the timing seemed fitting UFO-wise, and the idea was simply to capture everything he and jon got up to in the short time they had together, be that searching the night sky for flashing lights, watching dan akroyd talking about UFOs on youtube or witnessing jon make strange noises on his studio floor.
vinyl cover
vinyl back cover
vinyl record
vinyl pop-up
vinyl pop-up detail
artwork for the protomen's second album, act 2 - the father of death
everything about this record cover and poster had to be bigger and better. the moment we heard act II: the father of death we knew the protomen had taken giant leaps as a band. consequently we wanted to produce artwork that celebrated and supported this excellent new music through and through.

once again we asked john delucca to bring his magic to the project. first he painted the fantastic streets of fire inspired cover, and then went on to create various other pieces for the album's illustrated "libretto" booklet. caspar then wove everything together for the 2009 compact disc release of the album, and the promo "movie poster" that went with it.

in 2018 it was time to release a deluxe, vinyl version of the album. for this the band wanted to make a book with a pop-up diorama of john's "how the world fell under darkness" illustration as the centrepiece. this time around caspar eschewed the rest of the CD artwork and replaced it with stills from the recently shot and released light up the night music video.
making vinyl awards 2018 finalist in 4 categories
back cover
artwork for mellowdrone's second LP, angry bear
mellowdrone called us one evening in march wondering if we were at all interested in working with them on the artwork for the follow-up record to 'box', an album which we'd played into the ground obsessively for who knows how long. work began immediately with discussions about what the new record was saying and where the band were at now. turns out they were the same age as us and into all the same stuff (david lynch, fist of the north star etc.). we then toiled for a while on an idea and passed it over to them. it was the right direction. we then produced 2 more pieces in a similar vein that formed a narrative around the core concept and produced templates for both cd + vinyl. the vinyl doesn't contain the third and final panel of the artwork, but it does have a blue plastic disc and a nice design idea for navigating which side is which.