
white on black logo
logo for the new york-based company, fraude films.
wells watson jr. reached out to us and asked that we might create an animated logo for his new company, fraude films. after presenting various ways in which to visualize his company's name, we all settled upon the one you see here. created by giulia bertolino and caspar, the animation is a result of some digital type design, and plenty of printing and scanning. 
writing, directing, title design and poster design for the short film, light up the night.
executive producer john la valle approached us with idea of making a film of a section of the protomen's second record, act II. the band chose light up the night as the song, and we approached collaborator matt sundin to co-direct the project with us. development of the project took some years and the end result you can see here. a testament to the band and everyone else involved, the film pays homage to many of the things that inspired us to do the work we do today, whilst delivering a particularly serendipitous socio-political commentary. 

we collaborated once again with john delucca on the poster design.
charles park trilogy album cover
charles park trilogy poster
record sleeve, poster + trailer for the nashville-based band, makeup and vanity set.
telefuture records approached makeup and vanity set with the idea of re-releasing their popular charles park records as a trilogy box set. the moment the project got a green light john delucca, joey ciccoline and ourselves were put to work in tying the overall package together visually.

john was sent a few paragraphs detailing the narrative behind each album. he then started to create a poster that we could divide into three halves, to represent the three parts of the story.

we were asked to create the logo, cover and overall packaging for the record. the logo we made is pretty self-explanatory, but the packaging was a subtler affair. utilizing the bokeh affect often seen in films when the camera is focussing on objects in the foreground, we realized we could represent each part of the trilogy with a different coloured circle. in this way the cover image could say a lot with very little, and each record within the packaging could be differentiated by its own red, blue or brown graphic.

joey was then sent the logo and proceeded to shoot the necessary footage to create the teaser trailer for the trilogy, this clip was the first promotional piece released to the general public. once released the limited edition box set sold out in 2 days, but you can still purchase the album digitally here.
EP cover
EP artwork + music video for the LA-based band, big black delta
jonathan bates, better known for his part in the fantastic band mellowdrone, recently got back in touch with us regarding a 'new thing' he was working on. as luck would have it, it was some seriously rich and rewarding new music. the kind which fills the mind with images pretty fast. well, the next thing you know we're watching the thundercats intro in total awe, debating wallpapering our apartment walls with TRON screenshots, and obsessing over UFOs. how one thing lead to another is neither here nor there, but it turns out we were all down with this new thing ... and it was taking us places.

what then ensued was the constant, rapid exchange of music for artwork, much the way a choir does their psalms and responses. there's no question in our minds now that big black delta was the only name you could use to sum up the music, what inspired it and everything we'd ultimately made together from that point forward. cut then to just a few days ago. cut right to the moment when we slung the cover you see above onto the proverbial coffee table. cut to us all looking at each other like we knew it was time. yep, ufologists were about to get some melody in their google.

additionally we shot and edited a short film to accompany the release of the song IFUCKINGLOVEYOU. it was shot over a couple of days around independence day in los angeles. the idea was simply to capture everything we got up to in the short time we had, be that searching the night sky for flashing lights, watching dan akroyd talking about UFOs on youtube or jonathan bates making strange noises on his studio floor. we hope the end result, if nothing else, makes you feel like all these things are related. not forcibly, but maybe with a little serendipity.