
poster 2
writing, directing, title design and poster design for a short film.
two years ago caspar wrote and directed his first short film. the film is now available through the online short film festival, no budge. the film stars laine rettmer and is about loss and the fear of making a film.

the film's titles and poster were also designed by caspar.
end title sequence for the feature film, the song of sway lake.
we met director ari gold at a party on his rooftop. in discussions about his forthcoming new film he revealed he was looking for a title sequence. sharing a love for the filmed title sequences of saul bass, we agreed to stay and touch and discuss things further. a few weeks later producer alexandra byer, cinematographer shabier kirchner and i found ourselves upstate filming by a lake. not long after that were cutting the sequence you see here into the film. the piece combines almost every aspect of what we do as a company, from record cover design through to film direction.
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writing, directing, title design and poster design for the short film, light up the night.
executive producer john la valle approached us with idea of making a film of a section of the protomen's second record, act II: the father of death. the band chose light up the night as the song, and we approached collaborator matt sundin to co-direct the project with us.

development of the project took some years. the end result, shot in new york city and starring james ransone, you can see here. a testament to the band and everyone else involved, the film pays homage to many of the things that inspired us to do the work we do today.

we collaborated once again with john delucca on the film's title sequence and its poster design.