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title sequences for the feature film, sanctuary.
editor lance edmands put us in touch with director zachary wigon and his producers. they were looking for someone to take care of the title design for their new film, sanctuary. the film stars margaret qualley and christopher abbott and was at that time on its way to the toronto film festival for its world premiere.

zach had some ideas about how he wanted the title sequence to be a part of the film's opening narrative sequence. after some discussion we settled on the treatment you see here, itself a visualisation of what it feels like when ideas or even simply words appear in your mind. the reason we did this will be obvious when you see the film.

the film has since been acquired and distributed by NEON you can watch the trailer here.
white on black logo
logo for the new york-based company, fraude films.
wells watson jr. reached out to us and asked that we might create an animated logo for his new company, fraude films. after presenting various ways in which to visualize his company's name, we all settled upon the one you see here. created by giulia bertolino and caspar, the animation is a result of some digital type design, and plenty of printing and scanning. 
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title sequence and motion graphics for the tv series, the girlfriend experience.
writer / director anja marquardt invited us to create titles and some motion graphics pieces for the 3rd season of the girlfriend experience. anja had written and was directing the entire season herself, and as fans of our work she was excited to see what we could bring to the table for her.

caspar teamed up once again with joey ciccoline and josiah newbolt and they immersed themselves fully into the fast-paced world of a television series production. the screenshots you see here give you a taste of the varying styles of animation work we produced for the 10 episode season.

we'd also like to draw your attention to the incredible soundtrack our friend and long-time collaborator matthew pusti (AKA makeup and vanity set) composed for this 3rd season. you can listen to that here.
title sequence for the short film, the follower.
producer valerie steinberg put us in touch with director stevie szerlip and producer sarah winshall. they'd just completed shooting a short film called the follower, with a story based on a 1966 joyce carol oates short story. the film's modern take on the narrative tells the tale of a teenage girl whose somewhat sexualized social media posts get her into a sticky situation with a stalker.

caspar and stevie experimented with a few approaches before settling on the one you see here. the idea that made the most sense was using repetitive animated type and photo sequences to speak both obliquely and directly about scrolling, following, stalking and the heat that can come from that.
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writing, directing, title design and poster design for the short film, light up the night.
executive producer john la valle approached us with idea of making a film of a section of the protomen's second record, act II: the father of death. the band chose light up the night as the song, and we approached collaborator matt sundin to co-direct the project with us.

development of the project took some years. the end result, shot in new york city and starring james ransone, you can see here. a testament to the band and everyone else involved, the film pays homage to many of the things that inspired us to do the work we do today.

we collaborated once again with john delucca on the film's title sequence and its poster design.
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cinema lightbox poster sequence
title sequence for the feature film, dark night.
tim sutton asked that we make some additional elements alongside the title sequence for his third feature film, dark night. to achieve this caspar was on set during the filming and was put to work making props and photographing cast members.

the first task was to screen-record a sequence where the film's protagonist plans a trip through town using google maps. into this sequence caspar then composited photographs he'd taken on set of two cast members on skateboards.

the second task was the printing and placing into a cinema lightbox on set of the film's actual poster. this meta sequence can be seen in the film's startling denouement. 
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music video for polinski's debut single, stitches.
paul wolinski is one quarter of the experimental musical machine that is 65daysofstatic. polinski is his more purely electronic side-project. labyrinths is is the debut album from polinski.

the music video for the album's first single, stitches, was an attempt to bring back the feeling of using the sinclair ZX spectrum computer, whilst detailing some of the album's narrative elements. paul and caspar wrote the video's story, which expanded upon the lyrics jonathan bates from big black delta was singing on the song. john delucca then beautifully redrew and further illustrated the graphics caspar had made for the vinyl record's packaging in pixel art format, and josiah newbolt then animated those graphics.
color in design 2012 award winner