
SXSW sonos smash party poster_031110

here’s the poster we just designed for the sonos smash up party in SXSW down in austin, TX next week. a big thank you to greenshoelace.com for the commission. we’re actually looking forward to finally getting down to the festival ourselves this year, rather than just being nominated for stuff from afar. of course we’re mostly there this time around because of our good friends the protomen playing not one but four shows throughout the music week. with that many performances it’d be impossible not to at least see one show, right? seriously though, be sure to say hi if you do come to one of their shows, as we’ll most likely be filming or photographing them in some capacity.

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65daysofstatic –

as many folk out there already know, 65daysofstatic are on their way to releasing their 4th studio album, we were exploding anyway. what they don’t know however is how incredibly exciting it is to have designed the artwork for the first single. released exclusively in japan on march 10th, the new cut is titled weak4 and is accompanied by a japan-only exclusive track, pacify.

you can purchase the release through their japanese label, here.

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makeup and vanity set

on march 16th the man in the ski mask otherwise known as makeup and vanity set (MAVS) will be releasing his new, self-titled album. a few months back he allowed us the great honour of designing the sleeve for the record, and you can see the fruit of our labours above. MAVS is often more widely known as the touring DJ for the protomen and was responsible for their uncanny 8bit remix album, makeup and vanity set presents… the protomen.

the new album will be available on CD and mp3 at the time of release along with a supporting range of awesome t-shirts. in the meantime you can listen to some of the music from the new LP here:


if you’re getting really impatient, you can also download a copy of MAVS’s excellent experimental music side-project DAAS, here:


makeup and vanity set
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65daysofstatic –
escape from new york, tech interview_011910

digieffects65doc screenshot

we’ve been featured on the digieffects website as part of a ‘user profile’ series they’re doing. we’ve been included because of our use of their awesome damage plugin in the documentary we made for 65daysofstatic last year. there’s a brief interview and a chance to watch the promo video we made for radio protector again.

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HERE website praise_121009


ioncinema.com, a webzine / blog website dedicated to american independent film, world cinema, documentary film and the world film festival scene, has just posted this article in praise of the HERE website. this is the site we built in collaboration with filmmaker braden king, to promote and provide information on his forthcoming feature film of the same name.

it’s also worth mentioning that the site was built using the ever more relevant ‘website-in-a-can’ setup offered for FREE over at wordpress.org. more than just a powerful piece of blogging software, it’s an extremely affordable, plug-in based solution for almost all your basic website needs these days. provided you’re happy to undertake the task of a little coding and skinning, you can build a very easy to update and maintain online platform to serve a variety of immediate needs.

worth a look.

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the meier group_100809

the meier group

the meier group’s new website is the product of a great collaboration between us and company founder michael meier. if you know what you’re looking for in a real estate website, you’ll notice the site has a few new tricks up it’s sleeves. it also represents one of our more major forays into HTML 5. enjoy.

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a-alikes –
kill a revolutionary_100709

kill a revolutionary

director paul biedrzycki’s powerful new political documentary the ballot or the bullet just made the cut for this year’s CMJ music festival. it’s a film detailing the political climate surrounding the creation of the new album by long-standing brooklyn rappers, a-alikes and explains the band’s radical stance on america’s recent government overhaul.?the film stars such hip-hop luminaries as chuck d of public enemy and dead prez. included in the film are a series of music videos, one of which we were asked to ‘destroy’ both video + audio for. the end result is what it would be like if you were trying to watch the video using a broken tv and rabbit ear antennae in some forgotten about part of brooklyn.

you can watch the video in quicktime here –

kill a revolutionary

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the protomen –
act 2 release show aftermath_092909


the above, giant, 3′ x 4′ poster was available exclusively at the protomen’s act II release show last weekend in nashville, TN. we created it with the band as a thank you to fans for making the long trek, as they all did, to see the band perform both their albums back to back in thunderous, conceptual glory. version industries representatives, myself included, attended and helped make sure the performance was recorded both in HD video and with digital still photography. below is a taste of the material we gathered –


you can view the rest of the photographs we took here. you can also expect video footage of the show from us in the coming months. in the meantime check out this incredibly flattering review of the new album by nashville resident?yewknee. a perfect come down to an incredible weekend with our friends in the south.

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we are hiring!_092209

wanted: business development manager
location: new york / london

version industries has offices in london and new york and clients across the world.? we have? long-standing relationships with both major companies and many exceptional individuals.? we are looking for someone to take this to the next level.

we need a candidate who understands the strengths of our portfolio and can develop our business in harmony with our strong design ethic.? this means providing a long-term business strategy as well as pursuing more immediate leads.

compensation: nominal base salary, with opportunity for high commission-based earnings.

email us at jobs@versionindustries.com for more information.

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the protomen –
act II release show poster_091609

act II release show poster

here’s our poster for the protomen’s act II release show. with two stages, a choir and an orchestra playing both album’s back to back, it’s safe to say you’re missing out if you ain’t going. see you all there. we’ll probably be the ones workin’ whilst you dudes are playin’, though don’t doubt our desire to meet you all and share a few stories. it’ll be our first time in nashville and we’re determined to make it count.

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