design journal write-up
& beyond apollo honours (part 2)_080509

we’ve just been given the most humbling write-up over on the german design blog designjournal. we’re not sure what we did to deserve this honour but it’s a very flattering read. we want to extend our greatest thanks to the authors of that site and will of course be bookmarking it for future reading. after all we’d be foolish to question their taste at this juncture!
here’s a brief snippet of what they had to say about us:
Version industries is a remarkable small design studio in New York City. Version Industries provides design for print, motion and web. Especially in the latter discipline, the studio shows its strengths. The – now come in the years – Website Version of industries is unique, it creates a very strange atmosphere, and has simply charm.
you can read the full translation by google here, or the original german here.

the other big news is that we’ve just risen from number 18 to number 7 in the design charts. this is our first 2 week stint in the charts & we’re pretty stoked about it.
we’ve also just been informed that both beyond apollo and house of jackie brown have been posted for user comments and ratings at the rather elegant design bookmarking site, again, truly thankful to these bastions of aesthetic connoisseurship for pushing our work out to a wider audience.