worth a listen –
toasty (untold remix), faunts, jamie vex’d, la roux (skream remix)_033109
my name is gavin & i create all the audio & music (original & remix) work here at version. i’ve decided to come out of the woodwork and share a few things about my music (personal & work related) and highlight a few of my favourite tracks right now. i’m going to make this a regular thing so you’ll get a chance to listen to a lot of my unreleased personal music alongside my odd tangential music production thoughts (ie. general moaning).
here we go…
i’ve just got up and running on logic pro 8 from my halcyon days on modplug tracker. I’ve always found it difficult to pull myself away from the comforting vertical step editing and move into the more daw related environments of logic, pro tools, cubase & sonar. after a brief stint with nuendo in which I managed to loose half a years worth of personal work to a glitch, i felt I had been burned enough. luckily logic is great! (touch wood)
i had one friend recently describe the programming pattern editor in modplug as that of entering mindless data into an excel spreadsheet. no amount of explanation of step gate sequencing of individual samples helped move his opinion. i see no problem entering hex values to make music, i mean we do it to control colours on a website!
anyway. i hope to be able to share a few personal music projects over some of my updates, that aren’t the client ones you might have heard if you’ve visited some of our recent websites (such as house of jackie brown).
so far this month:

toasty – the knowledge (untold remix)
hfrmx001ii – hotflush recordings
untold’s awesome remix of the already wicked original, released back in 2004. it’s also worth checking out the other remix of ‘the knowledge’ by vex’d on the previous remix ep.

faunts – feel.love.thinking.of
faunts – feel.love.thinking.of – friendly fire recordings
the opening title track to their second album. i really got into these guys after hearing their epic 80’s synth workout “m4” on the end credits of the mass effect game.

jamie vex’d – radiant industry
jamie vex’d – in system travel ep – planet-mu
the first official release from one half of vex’d on planet-mu. this for me is the standout track from his ep.

la roux – in for the kll (skream’s “let’s get ravey” mix)
la roux – in for the kill – polydor
it’s not often that a remix outdoes the original but I think skream has managed it.
next time I’ll post one of my new tracks once my new reference headphones have broken in!