

we’ve been featured in a great article in this month’s issue of adobe’s web developer’s and designer’s journal. the article is called ‘getting graphic’ and we’ve temporarily uploaded some scans of our spread in it here, if anyone wants to check it out. huge thanks go out to art director louis f. cuffari and all at the journal – quite an honour.

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welcome to version v_2.0 (our new website). it’s everything we’ve been planning on doing for about 4 years but just never had time to get around to it. just like every company out there, your own site is just never the top priority – well we just found the time and hope you enjoy all we’ve put into this.



more deadsy.tv press just in. datasky over at digitalica and michael eades over at yewknee have both had great things to about our new baby. see our reviews section for translations ! also, the french creative blog, bad bad blog made a post about deadsy.tv on the 17th and forget-me-not did on the 23rd.

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deadsy.tv was selected for front page news on the creative networking site computer love today. you can link to the post here and read the more than generous reviews from the site users. also, just in, another worthy set of reviews by michael over at ventilate.

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the artwork we’ve been working on for the rock band mohair has just been posted in our printwork section. hit up their website to check out their new video for ‘everything i want’ – the inspiration for the single artwork. as ever thanks to all involved, it’s been a great project to say the least.



the new york real estate blog curbed just named our charles street townhouse site, “the gold standard by which all future websites will be judged.” you can read the full review here.

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new sites for the forward penthouse, a charles street townhouse and one of our biggest babies yet – qube. this is the new social networking service from quintessentially with plans to take on all worthy contenders. sadly it’s a site you can only use if you’re invited, so you’ll just have to trust us when we say it’s great, haha.



today was definitely the day to find out that ecodeco had won a gold medal in the april 2006 american design awards. hell yeah.

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we’ve got two great new sites for you to check out. the first is for the tokyo fashion house, ecodeco and the second is for the new york PR company, public. thanks again to everyone involved.



there’s a great article on us in the spring 2006 issue of first point magazine. what’s more, david carson was guest art director on the magazine and personally designed our layout.

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