
title sequences for the feature film, karmalink.
producer and friend valerie steinberg asked that we make the poster and titles for her debut feature film production, karmalink. the film is an original and complex analog science fiction film set in cambodia. soon we were talking to director, jake wachtel and developing a visual language to accompany his fresh science fiction narrative. 

for the titles caspar developed an animated title card that uses both the khmer and english languages. from there the rest of the title design followed suit. 
poster for the feature film, karmalink.
producer valerie steinberg asked us to design the poster and titles for this her debut feature film. the film was written and directed by jake wachtel and is a cambodian science fiction tale about one man's unusual search for enlightenment. it is a complex and visually beautiful piece, in large-part because of the futuristic cambodian setting. the poster you see here gives you both a hint as to the film's narrative and it's rich visual beauty.