
Daft Punk
album slash page
offer page
poster page
source code
data capture page
website for the tron legacy soundtrack by daft punk
understanding that we were enormous fans of the original TRON film, and its forthcoming sequel, topspin and disney asked us to create a site to gather emails for the new film's soundtrack release. 

given the soundtrack was created by daft punk it was safe to assume anything we made would be very popular with fans of the band and the 80s film alike. as such, we took full advantage of some of the latest web technologies (with help from mr. doob) and produced a site that works on iphones, ipads as well as regular machines. the end result is a streamlined data collection / e-commerce site with a series of film-related easter-eggs for fans to discover.
  • html5 / javascript UI
  • keyboard input based triggers
  • ascii art source code
  • topspin E4M integration
site of the month .net magazine