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posters for the feature film, my imaginary life for someone.
directors molly wurwand and ryan mcglade reached out and asked that we might make a poster for their new dark comedy, my imaginary life for someone. the feature length film follows the lives of five fictional american women for whom money is no object. we watch each of them living out a dubiously happy existence locked away in mansion worlds of their own creation. for a moment we experience with them the effects of profound isolation and detachment that can come with a life of endless luxury.

we presented a range of ideas. molly and ryan went with the approach you see here, that utilized a series of beautiful photographs taken on set by josh beavers. caspar created individual fashion advertisement-style posters for each of the five women in the film, and then photographed those posters with a sheet of bubble wrap over the top of them. the bubble wrap in each case was shot as it was being removed, leaving the poster (and thus the character) beneath exposed, vulnerable and without the protective layer that luxury previously afforded them.