
poster for the short film, sujip.
vincent quénault of red lion introduced us to writer / director gintare parulyte after we expressed an interest in making a poster for her film, sujip. we'd previous worked with vincent on maret, and were once again taken by the quality of his productions.

sujip is a short film about a man working his first day in a suicide helpline center. another man of the same age calls to share his desire to take his life and as the two men talk they slowly come to an understanding that deeply benefits them both.

we discussed the film with gintare and then presented a range of ideas to her. she went with the one you see here, which talks about how a conversation can sometimes open doorways in the mind that have long been closed. caspar made the poster in berlin with a printer, some card, a scalpel, a camera and a rare stretch of warm february sunlight.

the film has been selected to play in competition at the vilnius film festival. if you have the means, do see it.