worth a listen –
wisp, gravious, hannu_060209
i’ve been very busy recently at version, as you can see from the beyond apollo website that we just launched. many hours of hard work has gone into the sound design and multi-tracking of the atmosphere & environmental soundscapes you will hear if you pop over to the teaser experience site. i also had the pleasure of working with original dialogue recordings of the script that our new york studio recorded. i really wanted to nail the feel of some of my favourite sci-fi films that deal with the loneliness of space, such as enemy mine, solaris, silent running & the incidental sound design of films such as alien & outland. i hope that everyone has a chance to play around with the teaser website to uncover all that it has to offer.
on a personal note, i’ve also been trying to write a new album over the past four months and i feel for once, that i’m near the home stretch. i’m at present trying to stop myself from writing any new material so i can stop playing catch-up with the mastering side of things! good news is that i have another track for people to check out whilst i finish everything off.
there are some nice new tracks from wisp, gravious and hannu that are really worth checking out as well.
so far this month:

wisp – picatrix
wisp – the shimmering hour – rephlex records
the second track from wisp’s third official album, this time on rephlex records. for me this is my standout track from the album, it perfectly encapsulates his melodic ?-ziq stlye melodies with the awesome production of aphex. wisp has made the quintessential braindance record for rephlex (until more aphex comes out…)

gravious – world of tomorrow
gravious – futurist ep – highpoint lowlife records
after two awesome 12″ eps on hotflush recordings, gravious comes back with some brilliant sci-fi inspired dubstep on his new ep. i loved his wormsign track on his first 12″ for it’s sly nod to dune & the pressure of the bassline that reminded me of the awesome thumper that the freman use to call the worms of arrakis. it’s nice to see him come full circle with the sci-fi influences (this time it’s the william gibson short story, “the gernsback continumm” that inspired him to create his new ep). i fully respect the sci-fi leanings, as science fiction novels & films influence a lot of my own works.

hannu – valtameri
hannu -hintergarten – kesh
brilliant new album of modern classical infused, minimal ambient electronica from hannu. this is my favourite track on the album as it brilliantly mixes various moods whilst utilising a strong palate of electronic, classical & home tape recordings style sounds.
more stuff next month.